OK, here are the stats....
Weight: 13 lbs 15 oz (25-50%)
Height: 26 inches (85%)
Head: 15 1/2 inches (3%) Yeah, my kids have tiny heads!
Dr Kleber said when she saw his graph for his stats, she pulled Laney's chart to compare. Laney did the exact same thing between 2 and 3 months....didn't grow much. Max only gained 4 oz this month and 1/2 inch in length and his little head didn't grow at all. Hopefully next month he will grow a little more!
As far as how Max is doing, he's doing wonderful! He is sleeping about 11-11 1/2 hours at night. I put him down at 8ish and he sleeps until 7:30am. Sometimes I even have to wake him up in the morning to feed him. His naps during the day are usually between 2 and 2 1/2 hours in the morning and about 1 1/2 hrs in the afternoon.
We will be starting him on cereal here soon, so stay tuned to some funny pictures!
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