Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One of our "other" children

Most of my blogs are about our "human" children, but I wanted to write about another one of our kids! Brewski (almost 6 yrs old) hasn't been feeling very well for a few months. He just hasn't been himself. Having accidents in the house, throwing up everyday, hiding under the bed all day long, not wanting to go on walks, and most importantly, not getting excited when we come home. We just had a feeling something was up with him. I am not the medical worrier in the family (that would be Benji!), but when I suggested he go to see the vet, I knew I was concerned.

Benji took him to the vet Monday, and Dr. Rennekamp did some blood work to test his white and red blood counts and a urinalysis. The results came back yesterday that Brewski has low thyroid levels. He is on medication for 2 weeks as a trial to see if he starts feeling better. After the 2 weeks, he will be tested again. If the medication is working, he will be on it for the rest of his life (2 pills a day). If it's not improving, more tests will be done on him. Luckily, his blood levels came back good, which was a plus.

Even if you aren't dog lovers out there, we are and our kiddos love this little guy. Please pray that this medication will help him get back to his old self. We miss our normal Brewski!

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1 comment:

  1. Aww, saying a prayer for Brewski!! Hope he feels better soon. Dogs definitely are like family. Hang in there B! Meg
