Monday, August 12, 2013

Laney's First Day of Kindergarten

This post is one that I really haven't looked forward to writing for....oh, let's say 5 1/2 years!  It's a bittersweet time....the time for my little girl, my first born, to start Kindergarten!  Laney has been talking about going to Kindergarten since she turned 5.  Asking, "How many more days until I get to go to Kindergarten" or "Now that I'm five, do I get to go to Kindergarten?"  It's not that I want Laney to stay a baby or stay young, because I know how much fun Kindergarten will be for her.  
It's that this is it.....

This was the last summer break that she didn't really understand how exciting summer break is because she's always just gone to school 2-3 days a week and just for 2 1/2 hours.   

A day will come when Laney comes up to me or Benji and says that someone at school was mean to her, and we won't be there to tell the other little boy/girl "That's not nice" or Laney is with other friends and they aren't being nice to someone.  Will Laney make the right decision and NOT follow her friends?

That day will come when Laney feels left out because she wasn't asked to the party or wasn't picked for the team first.

Laney is now a Kindergartner at Emerson Elementary (same school Mommy went!).  Her teacher is Mrs. Brown.  She goes ALL day (8:25-3:25).  Like a friend of mine, who is going through the same emotions I am, said, "It's that time to put Laney in God's hands for the day.  He will make sure she does the right things and gets to the places she needs to go and will give her comfort when we can't."  I loved that she said that.  It makes it all feel so much better.  As hard as it is to let go of your child in these early years, I have to trust that she's learned from us and the other role models in her life and that God will lead her down the correct path.  

So you may ask...."Does she like it" or "How did she handle it" or "How did you do sending her"....there were tears, there were nerves, there were upset tummies (and still are all of the above), but I just know Laney will adjust to this big change in her life of becoming a preschooler to a kindergartner.  She will look back one day and realize the importance of going to school and will soon look forward to going....hopefully!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh! That made me tear up! I'm so nervous for kindergarten next year, and for alot of the same reasons! I hope Laney has a great year! And yes, let's entrust God with our sweet babes!
