Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Interview with Laney

Here is an idea I got off of Pinterest....interview your child and see what the answers are. I figured it would be fun to do with Laney. Max, of course, is too small to answer them. So, here we go with Laney's interview:
1. What is your favorite phrase: Thank you
2. What is your favorite food: Ice cream and fish sticks
3. Who is the coolest person on Earth: "You (Mommy) :)....oh, no no no, I mean Max"
4. When you grow up, what do you want to do: A teacher
5: What is your favorite color: Orange
6. What is your favorite song: Smurf song
7. When you're outside, what is your favorite thing to do: Swing
8. If you could go anywhere in the World, where would you go: Disney
9. What did you like to play with when you were little: My toys
10. Who is your best friend: Mommy and Madison....little Madison, not big Madison
11. What is your favorite snack: Starburst
12. What's your favorite movie: Smurfs
13. What is your favorite thing to do with Max: Play with Cassius
14. What is your favorite book: Toy Story book

Maybe I'll make this a tradition after each birthday and see what has changed within a year. It's something that would be interesting to follow up on. Honestly, the answers would probably be different if I asked her the same questions in an hour. Who knows!!

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